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Our governance framework is designed to support our ESG goals by promoting responsible business practices, enhancing board diversity and ensuring our leadership remains accountable to stakeholders and our wider community.

Through external accreditation, comprehensive training and a dedicated ESG steering committee, we are strengthening our internal mechanisms to become leaders in ethical conduct, transparency and accountability.

We prioritise accountability and transparency at every level, upholding the highest security and reporting standards to deliver fairer outcomes for our stakeholders.

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ESG Committee

Our ESG steering committee includes employees from every level of the firm and representatives from our D&I, Wellness and Risk Committees. ESG is on the agenda at every Management Committee and Partner meeting at the firm.

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Securing Information

RDJ has been ISO 27001 certified since June 2017 through Certification Europe and holds the Cyber Essentials Quality Mark. Our scope covers all people, processes and client data in all RDJ offices.

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Training All Employees

Our employees receive regular education about their individual AML, anti-bribery and corruption obligations. They are also given sessions outlining the firm’s internal reporting procedures in respect of Suspicious Transaction Reporting.

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Managing Risk and Quality

The RDJ Risk Committee protects and guides the firm on its professional obligations, regulations and matters of statutory compliance. RDJ has consistently achieved the Q9000 “Gold Standard”, the highest possible award from independent reviews carried out by the Institute of Legal Research and standards for our risk and quality management systems. RDJ is also FSQS-registered, a standard valued by some of the largest purchasers in the financial sector.

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