Aisling Breen 1

Aisling Breen

Associate, Cork Office

Aisling is an Associate in the firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution department, specialising in insurance defence work, personal injury cases and material damage claims.

She has experience in all aspects of litigation procedure and practices in all Court jurisdictions. Aisling has a particular focus in the area of insurance fraud, defending fraudulent and exaggerated claims.

Outside of the firm, Aisling is a member of the Younger Members Committee of the Law Society of Ireland and a member of the Health and Safety Lawyers Association of Ireland Committee.


B.A. Law and Accounting (University of Limerick)
Diploma in Insurance Law (Law Society Ireland)


Admitted as a solicitor in Ireland.

The level of engagement provided by the RDJ team is exceptional.
– The Legal 500 (2024)
An excellent firm which provides first-class advice.
– Chambers Europe (2024)
RDJ is the firm that I always gravitate towards first.
– The Legal 500 (2024)